“When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out – because that’s what’s inside. When you are squeezed, what comes out is what is inside.” ~ Wayne Dyer
It’s just a couple of days since the passing of Dr Wayne Dyer and my thoughts have been around change in myself and readdressing my goals and making those changes. Personal development and growth is always something that “comes from within”. Work on yourself from the inside out because that is where the fundamental changes need to take place.
It’s no good trying to change things when you’re angry about something and not “clearing it”. All that happens is the negative energy flows from the anger and brings you down. Then there is no progress towards your goals, or at best a very “stuttering” progress.
“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”
This is something we all need to remember. Criticising others for what they do is not defining them as a person. After all, you may not know that person and therefore not understand their philosophy or thought process. Judging them is indicating YOUR feelings and when you react in a negative way it brings forward you OWN negative thought processes instead of building you up.
If you feel there is something you can do to help a person, approach them and offer that help, but don’t force things. There are many ways to help another without being critical and judgemental.
After all:
“I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside.”
Personal Development And Growth Is Dependant On Change.
Working on your own personal development does not only encourage growth in you as a person, but it also helps to enhance your working life too. Sometimes you need to observe things and look at them from a different “angle”. When you become more “self aware”, you give yourself the opportunity to see things differently and, rather than approaching them with a negative and destruct, you can look at things in such a way that you change the outcome by searching for solutions.
This is a little like focusing on solutions instead of problems. When you focus your mind on how to solve a problem you have the opportunity to positively react and deal with it. When you dwell on the problem it tends to get worse rather than better doesn’t it?
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
When you look at your life from a career standpoint, are you happy with what you do? Do you have your own business and struggle to progress?
Ask yourself why.
Personal and career growth is very closely linked. If you don’t believe in abundance, but believe more in “this is hard work” and “I will never make it and be successful”, guess what? Yes, it IS hard and you will struggle to make it to your goal.
“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”
Having the acceptance that you are destined to have what you want and believing that you can achieve is what helps you to attract the abundance you crave. The thing is, abundance belongs to us in many ways. We can have an abundance of love, abundance of doubt or anything we focus our mind on. It’s not ALL about money. When you are in a good place with an abundance of love, abundance of learning and an abundance of giving, you will start to receive things back because you will be seen by other people in a different light.
If you love what you do, that is abundance in itself. Loving what you do and helping others to achieve in the same way as you are achieving will lead to more abundance of love, money and so much more. The old saying of “what you give, you receive” is always one I think of in particular when going through my own day.
“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.”
Personal growth happens to be something that is better when you develop from the inside out. Working on yourself to cut out the negativity from inside you will lead to more fulfilment and the development of stronger personal values as well as a more positive outlook.
I hope this has been helpful and you are going to benefit from some of the wisdom that will always be with us in the legacy of Dr Wayne Dyer. I hope your own personal development goals lead to massive growth in your own business / career and life.
To the future,
Barrie Evans
The post Inside Out Is Better Than Outside In For Personal Growth. appeared first on Online Marketing And Mindset.
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